Church Office Hours:
9:00 am – 1:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
(Cathy is out of the office on Wednesday)
(Pastor is out of the office on Friday)
Pastor’s office hours are 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and is available by appointment – please call the office
330-334-1258 (Fax)
GRACE . . . RICH in God’s love and . . . EMPOWERED by the Good News of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST
G . . . a group of believers united in faith and belief in Jesus Christ
R . . . reaching out in love to all God’s children
A . . . activating development and growth of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
C . . . compelled by the power of the Good News to love and serve one another
E – ever-welcoming environment for worship, thanksgiving and praise
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